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25.02.2024 10:39:39 blehhan hat ein Thema kommentiert Das bisschen Haushalt....: Montenegro ist nicht nur für seine atemberaubende Landschaft und sein angenehmes Klima bekannt, sondern auch für seine wachsende Wirtschaft und die günstigen Investitionsmöglichkeiten im Immobiliensektor. Mit der steigenden Nachfrage nach Wohnraum und Gewerbeflächen bieten sich hier zahlreiche Chancen für potenzielle Investoren. Die Vielfalt der Immobilienoptionen reicht von luxuriösen Villen mit Meerblick bis hin zu erschwinglichen Apartments in lebhaften Städten. Zudem locken attraktive Steuervorteile und ein einfaches Genehmigungsverfahren für Immobilienkäufe Auswanderer aus aller Welt an. Für weitere Informationen über Immobilien in td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}Bar Montenegro immobilien besuchen Sie {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}
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16.04.2015  |  Kommentare: 0

"From the Woods" to Cannes, A Short Film Treat for Horror Cinephiles

Cannes Film Festival

Multi-Award Winning Director Nicolas Wendl Brings His Latest Masterpiece “From the Woods” to Cannes Short Film Corner -

For all horror fans, Cannes Film Festival, Short Film Corner 2014 has a special entry! Nicolas Wendl, a talented and multi-award winning director is coming tothe French Riviera, with his acclaimed and much awarded short film, From the Woods!

Everyone who is familiar with the work of this young and remarkable director knows that he is not just a great storyteller but is also known for making us question our inner processes through his narratives. In keeping with this style, From the woods makes the viewer think about their decisions and how to overcome the fears that they are carrying within.

From the woods is a story about a single young mother who, along with her 8 year-old son escapes from an abusive husband. As she struggles to build a new life amidst the fear of her husband finding them, the son makes friends with mysterious creatures from the woods. As she tries to find out who is her son’s new friend, the local teacher is trying to get closer to the family. This makes the mother even more anxious but in order to save her son she would have to learn how to overcome her deepest fear.

Wendl graduated from Chapman University with honors and a BFA in Film Production. His work brought him to Cannes Short Film Corner in 2008 and he hasn’t looked back since.

From the woods has been screened at a number of International Film Festivals including, Annual LA Indie Film Festival, Won Director's Choice Award at the Cape Fear Independent Film Festival and Coney Island Film Festival where it won the Best Horror award! The film has won the Best orginal score at the LA Movie Awards and also got anHonorable mention for best short film in 2014.

Cast of the film is led by a talented actress who was nominated for Young Artist Award (1995) for her work in drama series Under suspicion (1994) - Natalie Shaw. The school teacher, Kent Erickson played by Sean McCracken, known for his roles in films such as “Richardson” (2012) and “California Solo” (2012) where he worked with Robert Carlyle (“Trainspotting” ,“James Bond – the world is not enough” etc.) The small boy was played by a promising young actor Cameron McIntyre, who has made his mark through noticeable roles in award shorts such as “Lunch” (2011). Also, featured in a small role is Todd Schwary, an actor who gained much success at an early stage of his career by doing print and advertising work in L.A and Japan. In the role of sheriff/ landlord stars Richard Burgi- a star of many successful TV series such as Desperate Housewives and The Sentinel. Besides his success in TV he has also worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood - Cameron Diaz in In her shoes (2005) and Jim Carry in “Dick and Jan (2005).

From the woods, written, co-produced and directed by Wendl, will be available for screenings during Cannes Film Festival at the Short Film Corner. From May 15th - 21st, Wendl will be available to meet and discuss his future projects.

Sandra Bakula

Foto: PR



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